Sunday, September 10, 2006

Dynamic Lands

This is a blog of few words. Here, pictures will tell the story better than I could write.

Alberta is well known for the charismatic beauty of our Rocky Mountains; postcards, calendars, tour busses, chartered planes. But there is another type of landscape that is equally as spectacular, if one knows how to look.

I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to do some field work in the SE corner of the province and have come to have a much greater appreciation for the prairies. Actually, I am quite in awe of these desolate lands, much to my own surprise. The light is different here, and the borders of time fade. Looking out from a hilltop, across a floodplain and over a river valley, it's easy to let the sight of the buildings fade and imagine this place in a different time. A time before Europeans came to criss-cross the rolling prairie with roads, power lines, and a patch-work of planted fields. Here, I have found a deep sense of isolation, different from that of the mountains. A sense of quiet, as a breeze blows right through me. Utterly alone and yet connected to all.

Below are photos from some of my trips to the prairies this summer as well as photos from my most recent trek through the mountains: Old Goat Glacier hiking trail. I hope they add a little awe and inspiration to your day. Enjoy.


Avatamsaka Monastery Choir said...

Have you checked out a picture book called "W.O. Mitchell Country" by Courtney Milne? He's an awesome photographer and he did a book on the prairies and set the pictures with appropriate text from W.O. Mitchell, a Calgary and High River author. I have this book if you would like to borrow it.

katokalen said...

Good to see you're still updating this! I stumbled across it again today and had a lot to read, so thank you for that. Glad to hear the job and such is all going well!

Katherine said...

Evelyn, I think I've heard of that book. I would love to borrow it.