Can I ask you a question?
Of course.
Why isn't it enough?
You're not.
Why not?
Look at all I've done!
Yes dear. That's nice.
All the places I've been!
Of course.
All the people I've met!
I'm sure.
Havn't I done what I'm supposed to?
Yes, of course, dear. But one must face reality.
I don't understand.
Not good enough.
Too quiet.
Not smart enough.
Too childish.
Not pretty enough.
Too idealistic.
Not independent enough.
Too reserved.
Not erotic enough.
Too deep.
Not loud enough.
Too polite.
Not adventurous enough.
Too young.
Not rich enough.
But what about passion?
Don't be stupid dear.
But I feel so much! I have so much to share! I can make such a difference!
Don't be weird.
But I thought I was supposed to be myself?
Of course. As long as it fits in with everything else. Find you're mask. Get back in line. You know the song.
Not good enough
Not good enough
Not good enough

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