We decided it would be a good idea to split up to give ourselves some alone time for the sake of sanity and our friendship. It's great that we can be so honest with eachother about when we need to be on our own and are quick to forgive our little spats. The ruins are interspersed wtih green space, moats, lakes, and trees. I wandered around for a while and then, when the heat got to be a little too much and I noticed even the locals heading for shelter, I found a quiet spot near a moat under a tree to read and nap.
Corinne and I met up later in the afternoon, she having run into Chris again. The three of us then went out of the main park to explore some of the other ruins near by. All in all a good afternoon, although I did struggle with the heat mid-day. You know it's hot when the locals are heading for the shade and the air-con buildings!
Last night, we found a little soup stand to eat at outside the Phistanulok train station where a local market sets up everynight. For a great bowl of soup and a litre of water, it only cost us 15 Baht.....less than 50 cents! Then we split up again, Corinne to go check out something at the night market we had been at the night before by the river, and me to try to find a phone to call home...which did not work.
This morning we took a train (5 hours) to Ayuthaya, only about 1 hour or so north of Bangkok. It's another former capital with more ruins. After this, we'll head south and find some beaches! We're both looking forward to finding a beach, staying put for a few days, and doing nothing in particular other than soaking up the sun, reading, watching beautiful sunsets and checking out beautiful people!
Picures of Sukhothai Historical Park

Isn't street food the best? So cheap and so yummy! I'm glad you girls are taking advantage of it.
Oh looking forward to pictures of Ayuthya. Have a good time there!
Hi Katherine, how are you guys doing? Your granny is here & we are enjoying your journal even the upside down pictures. I looks like your having fun. Granny asks if you guys are drinking too many beers, thats why some pictures are upside down. Granny says a prayer for you girls everynight. She thinks of you everyday as to where you are. Waiting for you girls to come back. We printed a bunch of stuff off & granny is going to read them at home & hopefully follow the map as to where you are. Granny is planning on going to Calgary the weekend of Mar.28th, Aunty Olga will probably go as well, and maybe Stephen as well. So we will all think of her as we are celebrating Richards birthday. We will toast you with a beer or some beverage. Are you homesick yet? We assume everyone is treating you girls well. They better or they will have to answer to Nanny. Enjoy all this time because I know you will come back broke and have to get a job & get down to work. But if you want to come to Nannys house she will give you free room & board.
Anyway until next time, take care and Love you very Much Granny & Debbie
Hey Kat and Corrine!
Just some quick news to brighten your day. My goddaughter Elise (middle name not known yet) Vincent was born at 3:20 this afternoon. 6 pounds 15 ounces and happy and healthy. Kim is doing well and didn't even have pain medication apparently. I will send you guys a picture when I get one... Love to you both!
Hey Katherine, its stephen and uncle peter. Sounds and looks like your having a great time. Being able to see this on your blog is incredible. Looking forward to reading about your next journies. I suppose youv'e heard that we've had a ton of snow and stephen is tired of shoveling. But it's supposed to get warmer... but then get colder again. Well thats alberta for ya. By the looks of things where your at you don't have to worry about the snow, so enjoy.
Love, All of us.
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